Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fundraising Necklace and Dresses

Fundraising Necklaces are back! Here is a pic of the necklaces, please let me know if you are interested in purchasing one. Only $24 and they will be at the Cornhole Tournament on Saturday!!!
Here are some dresses that my mother made that will also be at the Cornhole Tournament selling for $20.

Individual Interviews

We met with our Social Worker last week for our individual interviews.  The interviews actually turned out to be much less pressure than I thought.  She mainly asked about our childhood and how we might do things compared to our parents.  Luckily, Nate and I had great role models so that wasn't too difficult to talk about.  We discussed discipline a lot also and I have come to the conclusion that I have a lot of reading to do on that particular subject, especially since Owen has turned 2. Our Social Worker recommended The Connected Child by Karyn Purvis, in case you are interested in doing a little reading yourself:) Man they weren't kidding about the "terrible 2's".
Nate decided to go first in the interview, so I was sent to a desk to fill out an assessment on raising a child of a different race. As you may have gathered Nate and I have decided that we are open to any child regardless of race or ethnicity. This is a very personal decision that we made very carefully. The questions were very interesting, some we had discussed a lot and other questions we had not even considered. I am well aware of racism and unfortunately heard racist stories and comments more times than I would like to think about. Fortunately, again, I had great parents that were always there to explain that everyone is important and loved in God's eyes and should be treated that way. My education in Social Work has also taught me a lot about differences in cultures and what is going on currently in the world as far as discrimination. I hope to educate my future child and Owen on the importance of learning about differences, respecting others because of differences, and treating everyone as your neighbor.