Monday, February 25, 2013
Owen is gonna be two tomorrow
Owen turns two years old tomorrow. I can't even believe that it's been two years since I held him for the first time. I can still remember crying in the hospital when they took him to the nursery right before we checked out of the hospital. I did not want to be separated from him for one second. He has such a fun, loving, and laid back personality. He loves to laugh and "shoot baskets". We decided to invite some of his friends over for a sports themed bday tomorrow, since sports are his favorite thing right now. (Apple doesn't fall far from daddy's side of the tree!) We also made a trip to the Sesame Street musical with our friends Ambur and Brayden this morning. Owen loved the show! He kept yelling "Abby!"when she came on the stage, apparently we have moved on from Elmo. So I am going to sit and reminisce, maybe shed a tear or two. All those ridiculous moms were right when I was a kid. They grow up too fast! Man, I hate when my mother is right!:) Just FYI, Owen was totally freaked out by the costumed characters running around before the show, he was clinging to me like a monkey and physically shaking. Halloween may not be as fun this year.

Stuff forgotten...
Nate and I were trying to get some adoption paperwork together the other day and somehow we have completely overlooked the part that we need a will and we need life insurance for both of us. I have no idea how we completely missed these two important things but we did. I also know what you are all thinking, "you don't have life insurance?" I know please don't judge, we like to be ignorant when it comes to potential future disasters. At least this adoption is forcing us to be grownups;). On another note, we went to Oklahoma for our future baby nephew's baby shower this weekend and had some fun family time. Owen had a blast with his cousins and watching cousin Brody "shoot baskets"! I have not figured out how to upload videos ( I have a cute one of Owen and all his cousins) so I am just posting a random picture of O.
So I am NOT a crafty person by any means, which is why I love Pinterest like everyone else I know. My Pinterest attempts actually fail more often than succeed. I will continue to try in an effort to be more cutesy though, because well my sweet husband deserves a cutesy wife. We don't normally do things for each other on Valentines except Nate usually brings home some flowers and we may go to dinner. ( I guess that is something) On this particular Valentines Nate decided to be nice and surprise me with a night out to go see "Memphis" at the Bass Hall. Which was amazing by the way. So I had to think of (copy) something good. I looked back at some old Pinterest ideas and found a pin for 31 days of prayers for your husband. So for the next 31 days I will have specific prayers for Nate. I typed it up for him (actually I just copied and pasted) and he loved it. The scratch offs and love coupons helped too! My MOPS group made the love coupons after our speaker talked about the five love languages. If you haven't read this book it is a must read for anyone even considering the possibility of marriage. I have never been shy about telling anyone how hard marriage is, I was the first of my friends (at the time) to get married and used to tell them all the time that it is no picnic! Nate and I have been married for 6 1/2 years and he is the best husband ever and it's still hard. I feel like if we are more honest about the struggles people face in marriage then
1. People will know what they are getting into
2. There won't be as much divorce because people won't be under the misconception that they are the only couple struggling .
And 3. When you get it right ( like Nate and I this Valentines) then you can be very proud and blog about it:) because sometimes it feels like it always goes wrong.
On a side note, Owen had a great Valentines at preschool, he got lots of fun goodies from friends and family. He also got his first sleeping bag from Grandma PJ, it was so cute I had to take a picture!
1. People will know what they are getting into
2. There won't be as much divorce because people won't be under the misconception that they are the only couple struggling .
And 3. When you get it right ( like Nate and I this Valentines) then you can be very proud and blog about it:) because sometimes it feels like it always goes wrong.
On a side note, Owen had a great Valentines at preschool, he got lots of fun goodies from friends and family. He also got his first sleeping bag from Grandma PJ, it was so cute I had to take a picture!
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