Step 1:
Research as much as possible. I have gathered up a few informative web sites that might be of some help. Some questions that you have can be answered through your research and help you with step number 2. This research can also open your eyes to another way that you had not considered or had assumed would not work for your family.
Foster to Adopt
Open Adoption
International Adoption
Step 2:
I think the second step is to talk to your spouse. Some questions that you will have to decide on might be pretty difficult and researching before any decisions are made is a good way to go about it. These questions will probably include:
1. Do we want to do international adoption? Or domestic adoption?
2. If International adoption is for us, do we have a country in mind? Is there a culture that we feel comfortable with adapting some of the parts of culture into our family; clothing, music, traditions, food?
3. If we choose domestic adoption do we want to go through an agency or an adoption attorney?
4. What age are we willing to take? Do we want a newborn?
5. Is fostering to adopt a possibility for us? Do we want to learn more information about fostering? And if so, is there a local agency that holds fostering informative meetings?
6. Does the gender of the child matter?
7. Are we willing to accept any race or ethnicity into our family and if not, is there a different race or ethnicity that we would be open to?
8. Are you emotionally ready to take on this amazing endeavor and is your marriage ready?
9. Are mental disabilities, physical disabilities, or emotional disabilities something we can deal with and if so, to what level?
10. Are we willing and able to spend extended time in another country in order to complete the international adoption?
Step 3:
Contact MULTIPLE agencies and/or attorneys in your area that adopt in the way you have chosen to adopt. Ask a lot of questions.
1. How long does the process usually take?
2. What are the risks? (for adopting in this country, of the birthmother choosing you or changing her mind)
3. What are the costs of the programs? At what point in the process are you expected to have the funds?
4. If fostering, what are the training expectations and can you and your spouse meet those? What is legal risk when adopting through foster care?
5. What ages are being adopted out to the U.S. in the country we picked to adopt from? Can we get an infant and if not, are we okay with that?
6. Are we prepared to handle the questions and the potential for emotional stress that can come along with a child who has been adopted?
7. Are we prepared to support an open relationship with the biological mom and to what level, if we choose an open adoption?
8. If we choose international, we need to research that the agency in our adopting country is running things ethically. There are countries that have been closed to the U.S. for adoption due to unethical practices. Such as paying women to get pregnant in their country in order for them to make money from the adoption. There is a large "black market" and other unethical practices for babies.
The following web site is to allow families to make a profile page to show others what they are doing and give family and friends a way to donate money to their adoption process. This will also allow you to read about how others made their adoption decisions.
Here are a very few adoption blogs that I follow. Some have been very helpful, but they are a families' personal story, and don't reflect adoption all around.
International adoption blogs
Open Adoption
Some agencies in the DFW area:
Foster to Adopt Agencies:
Some domestic/international agencies in the area:
(These are just ones that I am familiar with, I am sure there are many more available.)
If you have anything to add or think I am missing anything in my steps of how to START the adoption process, comments are welcome!
Foster to Adopt Agencies:
Some domestic/international agencies in the area:
(These are just ones that I am familiar with, I am sure there are many more available.)
If you have anything to add or think I am missing anything in my steps of how to START the adoption process, comments are welcome!